See [ss Beneficiary].
- [ex 001 "Vote <u>[p en/for Beneficiary]</u>/<u>[p en/against Beneficiary]</u> Pedro!" "[exref 001 Beneficiary]"]
- [ex 002 "Junk food is bad [p en/for Beneficiary] your health." "[exref 002 Beneficiary]"]
- [ex 003 "My parrot died [p en/on Beneficiary] me." "[exref 003 Beneficiary]"]
- [ex 004 "These are clothes [p en/for Beneficiary] children." "[exref 004 Beneficiary]"]
- [ex 005 "Fortunately [p en/for Beneficiary] the turkey(’s future), he received a presidential pardon." "[exref 006 Beneficiary]"]
- [ex 006 "(We sell) clothes [p en/for Beneficiary] children" "[exref 007 Beneficiary]"]
- [ex 007 "a gallows [p en/for Beneficiary] criminals" "[exref 008 Beneficiary]"]
- [ex 008 "This is the car [p en/for Beneficiary] you! [advertising idiom]" "[exref 009 Beneficiary]"]
- [ex 009 "This place is great [p en/for Beneficiary] young children." "[exref 010 Beneficiary]"]
- [ex 010 "This is a great place [p en/for Beneficiary] young children." "[exref 011 Beneficiary]"]
- [ex 011 "The strategy is <u>beneficial</u>/<u>risky</u>/<u>an option</u> [p en/for Beneficiary] investors. ([ss Beneficiary])" "[exref 018 Beneficiary]"]
- [ex 012 "John baked a cake [p en/for Beneficiary] Mary. [to help Mary out, and/or with the intention of giving her the cake]" "[exref 020 Beneficiary]"]