[ss Gestalt]—the supercategory of [ss Whole], [ss Possessor], [ss Org], and [ss QuantityItem]—applies directly for entities and eventualities which can loosely be conceptualized as containing or possessing something else, but for which neither [ss Whole] nor [ss Possessor] is a good fit.

## Properties

The holder of a property if the property is the governor:

| | |
[ex 001 "the blueness [p en/of Gestalt] the sky"]|[ex 002 "the sky[p en/'s Gestalt] blueness"]
[ex 003 "the size [p en/of Gestalt] the crowd"]|[ex 004 "the crowd[p en/'s Gestalt] size"]
[ex 005 "the price [p en/of Gestalt] the tea"]|[ex 006 "the tea[p en/'s Gestalt] price"]
[ex 007 "the start time [p en/of Gestalt] the party"]|[ex 008 "the party[p en/'s Gestalt] start time"]
[ex 013 "the power [p en/of Gestalt] the president"]|[ex 014 "the president[p en/'s Gestalt] power"]

- [ex 019 "It was the chairman[p en/'s Gestalt] <u>fault</u>/<u>responsibility</u>/<u>right</u>."]

- [ex 018 "the restaurant[p en/'s Gestalt] extensive menu[^1] [cf. [exref 006 Characteristic]]"]

- [ex 015 "a new way [p en/of Gestalt] thinking"]

- [ex 009 "the amount [p en/of Gestalt] time allowed [but see [exref 013 QuantityItem]]"]

- [ex 010 "the food/service [p en/at Gestalt--Locus] this restaurant ([ss Gestalt--Locus])"]

By extension, a possessor of an item in relation to an attribute of that item [ss Gestalt]:

- [ex 017 "[p en/my Gestalt] odometer number (= my car's odometer's number) [contrast [exref 023 Possessor]]"]

The property may be a fact or detail conventionally associated with someone in life for which there is no more specific role:

- [ex 016 "[p en/my Gestalt] address; [p en/my Gestalt] price range; [p en/my Gestalt] home team; [p en/my Gestalt] career; [p en/my Gestalt] record of accomplishments"]

## Containers

The construal [ss Locus--Gestalt] is used for a container marked by the adposition:

- [ex 011 "the room[p en/'s Locus--Gestalt] 2 beds ([ss Locus--Gestalt])"]

## Discourse-associated item

A referent temporarily associated with another referent in the discourse and used to help identify it:

- [ex 012 "Sam[p en/'s Gestalt] dog (= the dog that Sam mentioned seeing earlier in the conversation)"]

## Other possessive constructions

[ss Gestalt] is the construal for many uses of possessive syntax where the semantic criteria for [ss Possessor] are not met.
For instance, s-genitive marking of participant roles ([ss Agent], [ss Experiencer], etc.) are analyzed with [ss Gestalt] as the function.
Moreover, the s-genitive construction, unlike [p en/of], is never analyzed with [ss Whole] as the function, so [ss Whole--Gestalt] is used.
See [English Genitives/Possessives](/en/genitivespossessives).

[^1]: The word *menu* (literally an information artifact) can be read as standing metonymically for the dishes available for order, to be created and served by the restaurant. Semantically, the restaurant frame defines various specific actions/relationships involving the menu and items on it. [ss Gestalt] is highly general and therefore an appropriate selection when none of these particular actions or relationships are in focus.