See [ss Locus].
- [ex 001 "The girl is standing [p en/next_to Locus] her mother." "[exref 004 Ancillary]"]
- [ex 026 "The girl is [p en/by Locus] the pigeon." "[exref 006 Ancillary]"]
- [ex 002 "I like to sing <u>[p en/at Locus] the gym</u>/<u>[p en/on Locus] Main St.</u>/<u>[p en/in Locus] the shower</u>." "[exref 001 Locus]"]
- [ex 003 "The cat is <u>[p en/on_top_of Locus]</u>/<u>[p en/off Locus]</u>/<u>[p en/beside Locus]</u>/<u>[p en/near Locus]</u> the dog." "[exref 002 Locus]"]
- [ex 004 "There are flowers <u>[p en/between Locus]</u>/<u>[p en/among Locus]</u> the trees." "[exref 003 Locus]"]
- [ex 005 "When you drive north, the river is [p en/on Locus] the right." "[exref 004 Locus]"]
- [ex 006 "I read it <u>[p en/in Locus] a book</u>/<u>[p en/on Locus] a website</u>." "[exref 005 Locus]"]
- [ex 025 "the data [p en/in Locus] the study" "[exref 033 Locus]"]
- [ex 007 "The charge is [p en/on Locus] my credit card." "[exref 006 Locus]"]
- [ex 008 "We met [p en/on Locus] a trip to Paris." "[exref 007 Locus]"]
- [ex 009 "The Dow is [p en/at Locus] <u>a new high</u>/<u>20,000</u>." "[exref 008 Locus]"]
- [ex 010 "That’s [p en/in Locus] my price range." "[exref 009 Locus], [exref 041 ComparisonRef]"]
- [ex 011 "She was lying [p en/on Locus] her back." "[exref 010 Locus]"]
- [ex 012 "She kissed me [p en/on Locus] the cheek." "[exref 011 Locus]"]
- [ex 013 "I want to punch you [p en/in Locus] the face." "[exref 012 Locus]"]
- [ex 014 "The cat is [p en/inside Locus] the house." "[exref 013 Locus]"]
- [ex 015 "The cat is [p en/inside Locus]." "[exref 014 Locus]"]
- [ex 016 "All passengers are [p en/aboard Locus] the ship." "[exref 015 Locus]"]
- [ex 017 "All passengers are [p en/aboard Locus]." "[exref 016 Locus]"]
- [ex 018 "The doctor is <u>[p en/in Locus]</u>/<u>[p en/out_of Locus]</u>/<u>[p en/away_from Locus]</u> the office." "[exref 017 Locus]"]
- [ex 019 "The doctor is <u>[p en/in Locus]</u>/<u>[p en/out Locus]</u>/<u>[p en/away Locus]</u>." "[exref 018 Locus]"]
- [ex 020 "They are [p en/out Locus] to eat." "[exref 019 Locus]"]
- [ex 021 "Will you be [p en/around Locus] in the afternoon?" "[exref 020 Locus]"]
- [ex 022 "She’s the best doctor [p en/around Locus]!" "[exref 021 Locus]"]
- [ex 023 "The bird was flying [p en/in Locus] the house. [The flying took place in the house.]" "[exref 013 Path]"]
- [ex 024 "They were running [p en/on Locus] the street. [The running took place on the street.]" "[exref 014 Path]"]
- [ex 027 "Your heart rate is [p en/at Locus] 70 bpm." "[exref 040 ComparisonRef]"]
- [ex 028 "restaurants [p en/within Locus] 10 miles [physical location]" "[exref 043 ComparisonRef]"]
- [ex 029 "I will explain my argument [p en/below Locus]. [discourse location]" "[exref 044 ComparisonRef]"]