This label describes what something is *about* or *in regard to*. Contrast [ss Content], which applies to the message or thought itself.[^1]

[^1]: For example, *his claim [p en/about Topic] the moon landing* is [ss Topic], whereas *his claim __that the moon landing was faked__* is [ss Content].

A variety of prepositions—including the vast majority of occurrences of [p en/about]—can mark a [ss Topic]. The following subclasses warrant [ss Topic] as the scene role:

###1. **Communication** scenes: the content or subject matter of speech, writing, art, performance, etc.

- [ex 001 "I <u>gave a presentation</u>/<u>spoke</u> [p en/about Topic]/[p en/on Topic] politics."]

- [ex 002 "They wouldn’t stop arguing [p en/over Topic] the plan."]

- [ex 003 "I was accused [p en/of Topic] treason."]

- [ex 004 "a picture [p en/of Topic] Whistler’s mother"]

- [ex 048 "two counts [p en/of Topic] making false statements"]

- [ex 005 "three <u>copies</u>/<u>versions</u> [p en/of Topic] the test"]

- [ss Topic--Identity]—see discussion at [ss Identity]:
	- [ex 006 "the topic/issue/question [p en/of Topic--Identity] semantics"]

	- [ex 007 "the idea [p en/of Topic--Identity] raising money"]

- [ex 008 "The <u>ratings</u>/<u>reviews</u> [p en/for Topic] this film are atrocious."]

- [ex 009 "I did not hazard a guess [p en/as_to Topic] the cause."]

###2. **Cognition** scenes: the content or subject matter of thought and knowledge—belief, opinion, decision, learning, study, interest, expertise, skill, etc.

- [ex 010 "Try not to think [p en/about Topic] it."]

- [ex 011 "We took a minute to <u>think</u>/<u>ponder</u> [p en/over Topic] the situation."]

- [ex 012 "I plan [p en/on Topic] going again."]

- [ex 013 "I am focused [p en/on Topic] the task at hand."]

- [ex 014 "There is not enough research [p en/on Topic] the effects of global warming."]

- [ex 015 "She was dumbfounded [p en/as_to Topic] why the police had done that."]

- [ex 016 "Think [p en/of Topic] all the possibilities!"]

- [ex 017 "I have no memory [p en/of Topic] the incident."]

- [ex 018 "I am aware [p en/of Topic] the problem."]

- [ex 019 "You can have your choice [p en/of Topic] chicken or fish."]

- [ex 020 "I disagree [p en/with Topic] that statement."]

- [ex 021 "I am familiar [p en/with Topic] this topic."]

- [ex 022 "Are you interested [p en/in Topic] <u>politics</u>/<u>going to the party</u>?"]

- [ex 023 "I’m confident [p en/in Topic] your abilities."]

- [ex 024 "My daughter excels <u>[p en/in Topic]</u>/<u>[p en/at Topic]</u> sports."]

- [ex 025 "I’m <u>an expert</u>/<u>talented</u>/<u>good</u> [p en/at Topic] baking cookies."]

- [ex 026 "I wouldn’t hesitate [p en/in Topic] seeing a doctor.    [but see [exref 002 Circumstance] under [ss Circumstance], which is syntactically parallel]"]

###3. Relations of **regard**: the entity, issue, or aspect that the governing predicate pertains to. The relation to the governor may be somewhat loose, skirting the boundary between semantics and information structure.

- [ex 027 "Be reasonable [p en/with Topic] your expectations!"]

- [ex 028 "They are transparent [p en/with Topic] their fee."]

- [ex 029 "The discount should apply [p en/with Topic] other restaurants too."]

- [ex 030 "I approached the manager [p en/about Topic] the poor service. [implied communication]"]

- [ex 031 "I am a big baby [p en/about Topic] needles. [implied cognition]"]

- [ex 032 "The owner wouldn’t budge [p en/on Topic] the price."]

- [ex 033 "They came through [p en/on Topic] all of their promises."]

- [ex 034 "She did not do the right thing [p en/for Topic] an item that was marked incorrectly."]

- [ex 035 "I’m fast [p en/at Topic] baking cookies. [cf. [exref 025 Topic]]"]

- [ex 036 "They have almost anything you could want <u>[p en/when_it_comes_to Topic]</u>/<u>[p en/in_terms_of Topic]</u> spy and surveillance equipment ."]

A few specific governors merit further discussion:

## *agree*

- [ex 037 "Let us agree [p en/on Topic] the deal. ([ss Topic])"]

- [ex 038 "Let us agree [p en/to Topic--Goal] the deal. ([ss Topic--Goal])"]

## *answer*, *respond*, etc.

- [ss Topic--Goal]:
	- [ex 039 "the answer [p en/to Topic--Goal] the question"]

	- [ex 040 "my response [p en/to Topic--Goal] your question"]

For <i>respond [p en/with]</i> and similar, it depends whether the object is an action, a device facilitating communication, or some aspect of transferred information:

- [ex 041 "He responded to my kick [p en/with Means] a punch. ([ss Means])"]

- [ex 042 "He responded to my accusation [p en/with Means] a lawsuit. ([ss Means])"]

- [ex 043 "He responded to my accusation [p en/with Instrument] dishonest emails. ([ss Instrument])"]

- [ex 044 "He responded to my accusation [p en/with Topic] falsehoods. ([ss Topic])"]

## *problem [p en/with]*, *experience [p en/with]*, etc.

These are simply [ss Topic]:

- [ex 045 "<u>There was</u>/<u>We had</u> a problem [p en/with Topic] mice in the basement."]

- [ex 046 "I have limited experience [p en/with Topic] numerical methods."]

- [ex 047 "<u>I had a bad experience</u>/<u>my bad experience</u> [p en/with Topic] a vampire."]

See also: [ss Stimulus]

Counterpart: [ss Experiencer]

In v1, <i>Activity</i> covered usages such as in [exref 024 Topic], but such usages were found to be infrequent and <i>Activity</i> was deemed too narrow.