In its function as infinitive marker, to is not generally considered to be a preposition. Nevertheless, we consider all uses of to for adposition supersense annotation because infinitive clauses (infinitivals) can express similar semantic relations as prepositional phrases.
Most notably, infinitival purpose adjuncts alternate with for-PP purpose adjuncts:
Thus, from a practical point of view, we might as well treat infinitival to as capable of marking a Purpose.
The following list summarizes semantic analyses that we consider for infinitivals, which are detailed under Purpose:
Repeated from the discussion under Theme:
They asked $500 to make the repairs. (Theme↝Purpose) 005
$500 to make the repairs was excessive. (Theme↝Purpose) 006
See discussions at ComparisonRef and Purpose.
The non-semantic label `i applies to all other uses of the infinitive.
In #001, the infinitive clause has no local subject—rather, an argument of the matrix clause doubles as the subject of the infinitive clause (control). However, a separate subject can be introduced with for, in which case for+NP is treated as a dependent of the infinitive verb and labeled `i:
I opened the door [for`i Steve toPurpose take out the trash]. 007
It cost $500 [for`i the mechanic toTheme↝Purpose make the repairs]. 008
These occur in some English dialects: for to infinitives
Examples of infinitival tokens that do not receive a semantic label appear in `i.