Screw yourGestaltGestalt game mate , this is Georgia 'sBeneficiaryGestalt best chance atTopicTopic an upset inCircumstanceCircumstance this RWC .

Ex P Role Function Adposition Part of Speech Governor Head Governor Part of Speech Governor Supersense Object Head Object Part of Speech Object Supersense Governor-Object Syntax Transitive? Typo? Abbrev? Sent ID
(16366) Screw your game mate , this is Georgia 's best chance at an upset in this RWC . Gestalt = Gestalt PRON game NOUN possessive french-2da54a07-d6ae-4cae-bfc2-47155b5b46b3-01
(16367) Screw your game mate , this is Georgia 's best chance at an upset in this RWC . Beneficiary Gestalt PART chance NOUN Georgia PROPN default french-2da54a07-d6ae-4cae-bfc2-47155b5b46b3-01
(16368) Screw your game mate , this is Georgia 's best chance at an upset in this RWC . Topic = Topic ADP chance NOUN upset ADJ default french-2da54a07-d6ae-4cae-bfc2-47155b5b46b3-01
(16369) Screw your game mate , this is Georgia 's best chance at an upset in this RWC . Circumstance = Circumstance ADP upset ADJ rwc NOUN default french-2da54a07-d6ae-4cae-bfc2-47155b5b46b3-01

Aligned Sentences in other Corpora (0–0 of 0)
