He 's a good support and theirOrgMemberGestalt shotcaller ... hell they even said when Yellowstar was n't talking inCircumstanceCircumstance game they were lost .

Ex P Role Function Adposition Part of Speech Governor Head Governor Part of Speech Governor Supersense Object Head Object Part of Speech Object Supersense Governor-Object Syntax Transitive? Typo? Abbrev? Sent ID
(15703) He 's a good support and their shotcaller ... hell they even said when Yellowstar was n't talking in game they were lost . OrgMember Gestalt PRON shotcaller NOUN possessive french-678a5aa3-3b6f-e507-8c5f-e8f8dc3bf364-02
(15704) He 's a good support and their shotcaller ... hell they even said when Yellowstar was n't talking in game they were lost . Circumstance = Circumstance ADP talk VERB game NOUN default french-678a5aa3-3b6f-e507-8c5f-e8f8dc3bf364-02

Aligned Sentences in other Corpora (0–0 of 0)
