InCircumstanceCircumstance the end , what worked best forBeneficiaryBeneficiary me was to talk extensively toRecipientGoal mySocialRelGestalt boss aboutTopicTopic it and feel supported ( even though I do n't think he understands inMannerManner the way a woman would ) , and get mySocialRelGestalt partner involved inCircumstanceCircumstance asApproximatorExtent many socializing events asComparisonRefComparisonRef I could ( like when I take clients outLocusLocus toPurposePurpose dinner ) .

Ex P Role Function Adposition Part of Speech Governor Head Governor Part of Speech Governor Supersense Object Head Object Part of Speech Object Supersense Governor-Object Syntax Transitive? Typo? Abbrev? Sent ID
(15645) In the end , what worked best for me was to talk extensively to my boss about it and feel supported ( even though I do n't think he understands in the way a woman would ) , and get my partner involved in as many socializing events as I could ( like when I take clients out to dinner ) . Circumstance = Circumstance ADP be VERB end NOUN default french-f065df4a-4207-158a-69b4-8c0eff6b0446-03
(15646) In the end , what worked best for me was to talk extensively to my boss about it and feel supported ( even though I do n't think he understands in the way a woman would ) , and get my partner involved in as many socializing events as I could ( like when I take clients out to dinner ) . Beneficiary = Beneficiary ADP best ADJ I PRON default french-f065df4a-4207-158a-69b4-8c0eff6b0446-03
(15647) In the end , what worked best for me was to talk extensively to my boss about it and feel supported ( even though I do n't think he understands in the way a woman would ) , and get my partner involved in as many socializing events as I could ( like when I take clients out to dinner ) . Recipient Goal ADP talk VERB boss NOUN default french-f065df4a-4207-158a-69b4-8c0eff6b0446-03
(15648) In the end , what worked best for me was to talk extensively to my boss about it and feel supported ( even though I do n't think he understands in the way a woman would ) , and get my partner involved in as many socializing events as I could ( like when I take clients out to dinner ) . SocialRel Gestalt PRON boss NOUN possessive french-f065df4a-4207-158a-69b4-8c0eff6b0446-03
(15649) In the end , what worked best for me was to talk extensively to my boss about it and feel supported ( even though I do n't think he understands in the way a woman would ) , and get my partner involved in as many socializing events as I could ( like when I take clients out to dinner ) . Topic = Topic ADP talk VERB it PRON default french-f065df4a-4207-158a-69b4-8c0eff6b0446-03
(15650) In the end , what worked best for me was to talk extensively to my boss about it and feel supported ( even though I do n't think he understands in the way a woman would ) , and get my partner involved in as many socializing events as I could ( like when I take clients out to dinner ) . Manner = Manner ADP understand VERB way NOUN default french-f065df4a-4207-158a-69b4-8c0eff6b0446-03
(15651) In the end , what worked best for me was to talk extensively to my boss about it and feel supported ( even though I do n't think he understands in the way a woman would ) , and get my partner involved in as many socializing events as I could ( like when I take clients out to dinner ) . SocialRel Gestalt PRON partner NOUN possessive french-f065df4a-4207-158a-69b4-8c0eff6b0446-03
(15652) In the end , what worked best for me was to talk extensively to my boss about it and feel supported ( even though I do n't think he understands in the way a woman would ) , and get my partner involved in as many socializing events as I could ( like when I take clients out to dinner ) . Circumstance = Circumstance ADP involved ADJ event NOUN default french-f065df4a-4207-158a-69b4-8c0eff6b0446-03
(15653) In the end , what worked best for me was to talk extensively to my boss about it and feel supported ( even though I do n't think he understands in the way a woman would ) , and get my partner involved in as many socializing events as I could ( like when I take clients out to dinner ) . Approximator Extent ADP involved ADJ event NOUN default french-f065df4a-4207-158a-69b4-8c0eff6b0446-03
(15654) In the end , what worked best for me was to talk extensively to my boss about it and feel supported ( even though I do n't think he understands in the way a woman would ) , and get my partner involved in as many socializing events as I could ( like when I take clients out to dinner ) . ComparisonRef = ComparisonRef SCONJ involved ADJ could AUX subordinating french-f065df4a-4207-158a-69b4-8c0eff6b0446-03
(15655) In the end , what worked best for me was to talk extensively to my boss about it and feel supported ( even though I do n't think he understands in the way a woman would ) , and get my partner involved in as many socializing events as I could ( like when I take clients out to dinner ) . Locus = Locus ADP take VERB dinner NOUN default french-f065df4a-4207-158a-69b4-8c0eff6b0446-03
(15656) In the end , what worked best for me was to talk extensively to my boss about it and feel supported ( even though I do n't think he understands in the way a woman would ) , and get my partner involved in as many socializing events as I could ( like when I take clients out to dinner ) . Purpose = Purpose ADP take VERB dinner NOUN default french-f065df4a-4207-158a-69b4-8c0eff6b0446-03

Aligned Sentences in other Corpora (0–0 of 0)
