Neither ofQuantityItemWhole us holds up well inCircumstanceCircumstance direct combat so we snuck intoGoalGoal the officer 'sPossessorPossessor quarters and found the machine she uses toPurposePurpose help her get out ofSourceSource herGestaltGestalt power armor .

Ex P Role Function Adposition Part of Speech Governor Head Governor Part of Speech Governor Supersense Object Head Object Part of Speech Object Supersense Governor-Object Syntax Transitive? Typo? Abbrev? Sent ID
(16598) Neither of us holds up well in direct combat so we snuck into the officer 's quarters and found the machine she uses to help her get out of her power armor . QuantityItem Whole ADP neither DET we PRON default german-c2b1c26b-e814-7dc9-af47-9f2936631b3e-08
(16599) Neither of us holds up well in direct combat so we snuck into the officer 's quarters and found the machine she uses to help her get out of her power armor . Circumstance = Circumstance ADP hold VERB combat NOUN default german-c2b1c26b-e814-7dc9-af47-9f2936631b3e-08
(16600) Neither of us holds up well in direct combat so we snuck into the officer 's quarters and found the machine she uses to help her get out of her power armor . Goal = Goal ADP snuck VERB quarter NOUN default german-c2b1c26b-e814-7dc9-af47-9f2936631b3e-08
(16601) Neither of us holds up well in direct combat so we snuck into the officer 's quarters and found the machine she uses to help her get out of her power armor . Possessor = Possessor PART quarter NOUN officer NOUN default german-c2b1c26b-e814-7dc9-af47-9f2936631b3e-08
(16602) Neither of us holds up well in direct combat so we snuck into the officer 's quarters and found the machine she uses to help her get out of her power armor . Purpose = Purpose PART use VERB help VERB subordinating german-c2b1c26b-e814-7dc9-af47-9f2936631b3e-08
(16603) Neither of us holds up well in direct combat so we snuck into the officer 's quarters and found the machine she uses to help her get out of her power armor . Gestalt = Gestalt PRON armor NOUN possessive german-c2b1c26b-e814-7dc9-af47-9f2936631b3e-08
(16604) Neither of us holds up well in direct combat so we snuck into the officer 's quarters and found the machine she uses to help her get out of her power armor . Source = Source ADP get VERB armor NOUN default german-c2b1c26b-e814-7dc9-af47-9f2936631b3e-08

Aligned Sentences in other Corpora (0–0 of 0)
