Or rather , when is it ok forThemeTheme rape occur inCircumstanceCircumstance a ( evil ) campaign ?

Ex P Role Function Adposition Part of Speech Governor Head Governor Part of Speech Governor Supersense Object Head Object Part of Speech Object Supersense Governor-Object Syntax Transitive? Typo? Abbrev? Sent ID
(16625) Or rather , when is it ok for rape occur in a ( evil ) campaign ? Theme = Theme ADP ok ADJ rape NOUN default german-c2b1c26b-e814-7dc9-af47-9f2936631b3e-16
(16626) Or rather , when is it ok for rape occur in a ( evil ) campaign ? Circumstance = Circumstance ADP occur VERB campaign NOUN default german-c2b1c26b-e814-7dc9-af47-9f2936631b3e-16

Aligned Sentences in other Corpora (0–0 of 0)
