The best there is inCircumstance↝Circumstance service .
Ex | P | Role | ↝ | Function | ℹ | Adposition Part of Speech | Governor Head | Governor Part of Speech | Governor Supersense | Object Head | Object Part of Speech | Object Supersense | Governor-Object Syntax | Transitive? | Typo? | Abbrev? | Sent ID | ||
(20195) | The best there is | in | service . | Circumstance | = | Circumstance | ADP | be | VERB | v.stative | service | NOUN | n.ACT | default | ✔ | ✘ | ✘ | reviews-008585-0001 |
language | English |
corpus | streusle4.5 |
genre | Consumer Reviews |
document ID | reviews-008585 |
orthography | |
raw text | The best there is in service. |
tokenized | The best there is in service . |
MWE markup | The best there is in service . |