Ex | P | Role | ↝ | Function | ℹ | Adposition Part of Speech | Governor Head | Governor Part of Speech | Governor Supersense | Object Head | Object Part of Speech | Object Supersense | Governor-Object Syntax | Transitive? | Typo? | Abbrev? | Sent ID | ||
(17240) | Scientists believed these events made him feel society had failed him and convinced him he would need to protect his family from the outside world , and that | in | doing so he lacked the self - awareness to recognize the destruction his actions caused . | Circumstance | = | Circumstance | SCONJ | lack | VERB | do | VERB | subordinating | ✔ | ✘ | ✘ | french-6eb8f85f-1e10-553b-c7e2-1846460a02ec-04 |