को: Recipient ~> Recipient
For indirect objects to which the direct object is transferred by the subject (with verbs of physical transference e.g. देना, सौंपना or the objects of [ss Originator--Agent] type verbs like लिखना, बताना).[^ditransitive]
* [gex 001 "{मैंने I-ERG} {अपने self-GEN} {दोस्त friend} {[pspecial "को" hi/ko Recipient--Recipient] DAT} {किताब book} {दी gave}{। .}" "I gave my friend the book."]
* [gex 002 "{मुझ[pspecial "को" hi/ko Recipient--Recipient] I-DAT} {एक one} {बात talk} {बताओ tell}{। .}" "Tell me one thing."]
* [gex 003 "{सुष्मिता Sushmita} {[pspecial "को" hi/ko Recipient--Recipient] DAT} {कितने how-many} {पाठ lessons} {पढ़ाओगे will-teach}{? ?}" "How many lessons will you teach to Sushmita?"]
Also includes intransitive मिलना:
* [gex 004 "{[pspecial "तुम्हें" hi/ko Recipient--Recipient] 2SG-DAT} {कुछ anything} {मिला? receive-PRF}" "Did you get anything?"]
[^ditransitive]: These are sometimes called ditransitive verbs, since they take on a subject (marked with ने), an object (unmarked), and an indirect object (marked with को).