को: Theme ~> Theme
Often, these indicate a change of state:
* [gex 001 "{मेज़ table} {[pspecial "को" hi/ko Theme] DAT} {साफ़ clean} {करो do}{। .}" "Clean the table."]
* [gex 002 "{उसने he-ERG} {बच्चे child} {[pspecial "को" hi/ko Theme] DAT} {सुलाया made-sleep}{। .}" "He put the child to sleep."]
* [gex 003 "{अर्जुन Arjuna} {ने ERG} {महाभारत Mahabharata} {में in} {कर्ण Karna} {[pspecial "को" hi/ko Theme] DAT} {पराजित defeated} {किया did}{। .}" "In the Mahabharata, Arjuna defeated Karna."]
Or transference (in regards to the thing being transferred):
* [gex 004 "{उसने he-ERG} {किताब book} {[pspecial "को" hi/ko Theme] DAT} {बेचा sold}{। .}" "He sold the book."]
* [gex 005 "{मैंने I-ERG} {उस[pspecial "को" hi/ko Theme] she-DAT} {डाकघर post-office} {भेजा sent}{। .}" "I sent her to the post office."]