# 에서 (-eyse)
*Allomorph*: 서 (-se)
에서 is the only postposition that specifically marks the [ss Locus] relation. However, it can also mark starting locus for spatial ([ss Source]), temporal ([ss StartTime]), communicative ([ss Originator--Source]), and fictive motion ([ss Locus--Source]) events.
### [ss Locus]
[gex 001 "{어디[p ko/서 Locus]||where-at} {잘래 sleep}" "Where do you want to sleep?"]
[gex 002 "{그는 he-TOP} {고아원[p ko/에서 Locus]||orphanage-at} {자랐다 grew-up}" "He grew up in an orphanage"]
[gex 003 "{집[p ko/에서 Locus]||house-at} {책 book} {읽고 reading} {있다 be}" "He is reading at the house"]
### [ss Source]
[gex 004 "{여기[p ko/서 Locus]||here-from } {저기로 there-to} {옮겨라 move}" "Move it from here to there"]
[gex 005 "{이 this} {친구는 friend-TOP} {어제 yesterday} {뉴욕[p ko/에서 Source]||New York-from } {왔어요 came}" "This friend arrived yesterday from New York."]
[gex 006 "{부장[p ko/에서 Source]||manager-from} {과장으로 ||general manager-to} {승진했다 advanced}." "(He) advanced from manager position to general manager position."]
- [ss Locus--Source]:
- [gex 007 "{여기[p ko/서 Locus--Source]||here-from} {저기까지가 there-to-NOM} {우리 our} {땅이다 land}" "Our land runs from here to there"]
- [ss Originator--Source]:
- [gex 008 "{그 that} {애기는 story-TOP} {어디[p ko/서 Originator--Source]||where-from} {들었니 heard}" "Where did you hear that story?"]
### [ss StartTime]
[gex 009 "{5시[p ko/에서 Source]||5 o'clock-from} {6시까지||6 o'clock-to} {판매합니다 sell}" "Sale is on from 5 to 6"]